In addition to the car, the garage always contains a lot of car accessories and tools for repairing and maintaining all its systems in working order.
It is optimal if each of them has its own place, they do not interfere with car maintenance, and most importantly – do not threaten the safety of the owner and the vehicle.
The largest items in this area are car rims and tires. They are best stored on the highest shelves and mezzanines. They must be made strictly to the size of the wheels. Wire mesh or high sides will help protect the rims and wheels from falling. Another way is wheel brackets on the walls, they can be used to store rubber of any size. This way we will ensure proper storage of tires and prevent rubber deformation. The third option is racks for vertical storage.
Important! According to safety standards, the car and tires must be located at least 1 meter from each other.
Racks not only help to correctly arrange all the tools in a limited area, but also add more aesthetics and order to the interior. When choosing a material for a rack, you should first of all proceed from the load. For storing tires, it is better to choose a steel structure.
For wooden racks, the operating conditions in the garage are far from the best – high humidity, frost, and in the summer – on the contrary, heat. Therefore, all material must be treated with antibacterial and protective compounds before work.