Mercedes-Benz chief designer admits big screens aren’t cool, but they’re here to stay
Gorden Wagener, the current chief designer of Mercedes-Benz, gave a short but…
Toyota Land Cruiser FJ gets a new debut date
The premiere of the new compact frame SUV of the Japanese brand…
Updated Venucia V-Online crossover from Nissan and Dongfeng
The Venucia brand has announced the presentation date of the V-Online SUV…
How to insulate the facade of the house with your own hands
If you create good thermal insulation at home, then during severe frosts,…
Installation of eurosboards: is it possible to do it yourself
EUROBERS OF THE WHICH POSTRENTS, they look beautiful and have various shapes…
Pluses of pile-screw foundation in front of other types
If it is necessary to build a structure in a complex area-having…
How to make a floor screed with your own hands
Even before the start of the floor, it is necessary to determine…
Cons of the construction of a brick house
Nowadays, one of the best materials for the construction of your own…
How to build a small greenhouse in a summer cottage
Before starting the construction process itself, you need to deal with the…
ACEID: What is this building material
Building material - ACEID, which has many positive different aspects and allows…
Is it worth it to order building materials from China
To date, construction in various cities and countries is underway.