Even before the start of the floor, it is necessary to determine how much the floor surface is rejected from the horizontal. It is necessary to do this for the reason that the slope can be so strong that the leveling of the floor will lead to the fact that the height of the room will become less, so it is necessary to be prepared for such a turn of events so that it does not curl then with a surprise. Make a screed is best before the start of the main repair. In any case, it must be done before the door installation. Why, you ask? This is necessary for the reason that the floor after screed with a high degree of probability will rise by a couple of centimeters, and because of this you simply cannot open the doors.
But the wiring is recommended to be carried out before the screed. The screed itself is performed for a thickness not exceeding five centimeters. In the event that a higher level of floor leveling is required, a substrate of expense clay or polysterol foam is made to facilitate the screed. These materials are known for their useful qualities, among which the heat is separately mentioned – and sound insulation properties. As for the screed process itself, during this, it will be best to use welded reinforcing reinforcement. If the floor screed is carried out in a long corridor or large room, then in the middle of the room you need to make technological sections to avoid the formation of cracks in the screed.
It is worth mentioning that after the screed of the floor, you need to wait a month to wait to complete drying. In this case, it will not be possible to put even harmless turnstiles, you will need to wait until the floor is completely dry. This is precisely the most significant drawback of such a method of alignment. Although it is worth noting that recently, special dry mixes have been used that form a mobile mass during a knead, which is spreading under its own weight. Such compositions dry very quickly, but they are expensive. In the case when the floor drops do not exceed 3 centimeters, these mixtures are very unprofitable to use.
Already immediately after the end of the procedure, you should check how smoothly the horizontal is set and make sure that the slope has disappeared. In order to check it, you should use the liquid level.