EUROBERS OF THE WHICH POSTRENTS, they look beautiful and have various shapes and colors. Looking at the private sectors, you can see many euro -adhesions in various forms of appearance. It has become fashionable to paint euroboards with special moisture -resistant paint with golden shades. Painting not only makes the fence more beautiful, but also protects the fence from moisture and other harmful actions of nature. Read more the repair of the soft roof
How to establish a Eurobar?
Initially, the base of the surface is prepared along the path of the fence. Cleans from garbage and other barriers. The holes are dug under the pillars, or the trench with the holes.
There are a lot of types of euro -collection installation and it all depends on the correct installation – quality.
Mainly several main types of installation are used.
Getting to say so for dry, and then the columns are aligned and poured with concrete. The first column in the hole is installed and fixed with a boot (parts of bricks, construction garbage) and the euro -grinding slabs are placed in the grooves, then the next column at the angle on the plates is installed in the next hole, repeating this procedure throughout the fence section. At the end of the hooks are poured with concrete.
Another method – the columns are placed, aligned and poured with concrete immediately (but with the exact distance between themselves). Further, the euro -collection plates are neatly inserted into the grooves and recruited. It should be noted that the slabs must be kept correctly, in which occasions do not turn them up lying – this will lead to the split of the stove and even getting an injury. This method is more time -consuming and will require more people, because the plates are not easy.
One of the tips: in order for the euro to float over time, it does not deform, the plates do not fall out of the grooves of the columns, you need to shed the foundation under the fence and make the foundation reinforcement. Tie the whole fence into one whole. This needs to be done when the columns are already concreted (at the very end). Plates and columns have not light weight, and a reinforced foundation will not give deformation of the euro -collection.
In general, without experience, it is not advisable to do such work yourself, for this there are specialized brigades that do this. You just need to control their work so that they would do everything right.
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