For each child, it is necessary to equip a comfortable place where he can work, work at the computer in Google Alerts, and rest. The Ministry of Education spends a lot of time and money on the development and implementation of school furniture programs. Refinements and amendments are constantly made. One of the most important criteria when choosing school furniture is compliance with the child’s growth. Every adult understands what consequences can be in children due to poor furniture. First of all, it is scoliosis, myopia, violation of posture. To determine the parameters regarding school furniture, special calculations must be made, where minor fluctuations are allowed within fifteen centimeters. Here, the ratio of growth, the surface of the table and seats are taken into account. The absence of the back at the chair is unacceptable. Ideally when furniture can be adjusted. This will allow you to choose convenient parameters for the student and avoid unnecessary costs. Sometimes the growth of children is so intense that it is necessary to change the parameters of school furniture within one year. School furniture should be strong enough and strong. After all, the activity of our children does not always favorably affect the integrity of furniture. Therefore, these products should not be made of continuous metal, but for strength, the presence is simply necessary. Therefore, this is usually a metal design to which parts from plywood or chipboard are attached. And desk and chairs should be much stronger than office furniture. Although the offices work people who are much heavier than an ordinary schoolboy. But the strength of our babies is able to destroy any structure with one simple movement, and any leader of the school wants to have served the furniture for more than one year. In addition, all furniture for schoolchildren must be certified. Neither the composition of the material or the coating should be threatened for children. Now quite often you can meet single desks in schools. This is not a desire to imitate foreign schools. This is just a necessity. Being behind such a desk, the student concentrates attention on the teacher’s speech, loses the opportunity to write off, gets used to independent and responsible work. All school furniture should have a smooth surface, lack of cracks and breaks, rounded edges and a complete absence of harmful substances in varnish coatings.
How to choose high -quality school furniture