Nowadays, construction is difficult to imagine without welding. Welding equipment “goes” with the time. Every year it becomes more and more perfect. Thanks to this, construction work is faster. And welding structures are not inferior in strength to concrete and stone structures.
Welding can be electric, gas, arc and contact. For welding in construction, many different special equipment are used. Now special electrodes are produced for various types of steel, which also allows you to widely use welding in construction.
If you need welding of joints or minor in size of products, then manual welding equipment is used. Manual arc welding is carried out using equipment such as inverter welding rectifier, transformer and generator. Depending on what structures the welding will be used, the welding inverter may vary in its category.
Manual and argon -arc welding are used during the repair of various building structures, during installation and high -altitude work. For argon -arc welding with piece electrodes, gas burners are needed.
Automated welding is used during the manufacture of continuous structures, which are made of sheet material (continuous columns, bridge beams, etc.). Welding machines and semiautomatic machines are used for this type of welding. Welding wire, which is consumable during automated welding, is used much more often than piece electrodes. Since its efficiency is much higher.
Welding in construction is simply indispensable. However, for its implementation, it is better not to use low -quality welding equipment that seduces low price. After all, this may well affect the strength and quality of welding.