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Is it possible to repair wooden windows or replace immediately
No matter how sad, but from time to time each of us…
Features of installation of the rack ceiling in the bathroom
The rack ceiling is not only aesthetically correct, but also a fairly…
Classification of rack ceilings: which option to choose
Today, such a type of suspended ceiling as a rack ceiling is…
Film -forming substances: what are
In moments when you observe amazing works of arts in painting, made…
Features of the production technology of plastic windows
Under the overhaul of the apartment and when building a house, in…
Plastic panels for walls: Features of use
Plastic panels are widely used where walls and ceilings are finished.
How to make repairs in the workshop: sequence of actions
Production enterprise - a zone of special load, intensively operated by day…
Pilot and architect Boeing-747 built an unusual house
Pilot Boeing-747 Georges Mear always dreamed of having his own house.
Project requirements in the frame house
As a rule, in the construction of frame houses, several solutions are…
The advantages of building a cottage from foam block
How much humanity exists, the same amount of it is engaged in…