The static calculation of the reinforced concrete slab is no different from the only difference that is usual with the only difference, that to the load from the soil reaction, it is necessary to add hydrostatic pressure to the lower surface of the plate minus its own weight.
When laying a simple concrete plate, its thickness d or is taken equal to half the pressure of groundwater h, believing that only the weight of concrete resists water pressure, or the concrete plate is calculated on a bend with the allowance of stretching stresses in concrete not higher than 1.5-2.0 kg \ cm.
Due to the fact that Klebemassa plays a primitive role in achieving water resistance, special attention should be paid to the quality of the latter and only benign, durable and stable materials in their chemical composition should be applied.
Natural bitumen (asphalt), as you know, is very stable against the effects of oxygen of air and generally acids, but it is a more fragile material than oil bitumen or stone baking. Since stability and plasticity are extremely important for waterproofing, it is recommended to take natural and artificial bitumen in half in the preparation of CLO-Bemassa and, in any case, at least 25% of natural bitumen.
The quality of cardboard used in the manufacture of toly is also significant for the durability of isolation. Its weight should be approximately 0.8 kg \ m. Normal cardboard should have 60 ° 0 hemp and 20 ° 0 from its own weight. The only is the only requirements for us.