Work is usually carried out in the summer and end in one season. The greatest amount of time, of course, is required for preparatory work. This, depending on the size and complexity of the task, is spent from 2 to 5 months.
Coicbciho movement takes a much shorter period – from several days to 1.5 months – depending on the number of types of movements and path lengths. The exception is operations of large vertical movements. For example, the rise of the Brown villa at a height of 50 m took 3 months.
As for the speeds of horizontal movement of buildings, the following values can be called as approximate.
Movement when attracting: g> = from 1.5 to b m/h, or 20 m on a working day.
Movement when pushing: g> = from 0.3 to 0.5 m \ hour, or 3.5 – 4 m on a working day.
When turning: V = from 2 to 7 m on a working day.
The cost of work. The multiplicity of the application of the method of movement of the building proves that for buildings of large and durable transfer is always more profitable than the demolition of the building and the construction of a new equivalent way to it.
There are general instructions that in American practice the transfer of utility buildings cost one third or even one quarter of the cost of replacing work.
In some cases, the cost of the transfer significantly exceeded these values, reaching up to 80%, but still left the profitability of the preservation of the building.
In conditions of deficiency of building materials, the movement of buildings instead of demolition is appropriate even with the same cash costs, as it retains the materials necessary to restore the destroyed building.