Modern building technologies allow you to build residential buildings quickly and efficiently. The use of environmentally friendly materials provides a cozy accommodation, however, since the frame housing construction is a rather new direction, many developers are interested in the service life of a frame house.
Currently, for those developers who have decided to build buildings in accordance with Canadian frame -up technology, this issue is the most important. Laboratory tests and theoretical calculations are one thing, another thing is a long -term practical experience in the operation of such structures in the appropriate climatic conditions.
In Russia, such an experience is simply absent. But in Canada, with its cold oceanic currents, where the climate can be compared with our wood houses erected using frame household technology, almost the entire local population lives. This country has accumulated the richest experience in the construction and subsequent operation of frame houses.
It is worth noting that in Canada, frame houses built 50 or more years ago still look excellent. In some areas of Ottawa there are buildings with a 100-year service life. What is the success of such life expectancy?
First of all, the long life can provide a well -executed project taking into account the features of construction in this climatic zone. As you know, the basis of any structure is the foundation. So, the foundation of the frame house should be erected on the basis of accurate geological studies of the soil at the place of future construction.
The durability of the construction depends on the quality of materials used in the construction. If the wood is processed by all the necessary chemical compositions, the guarantee that the house will stand for more than a dozen years provided. The use of high -quality insulation and roofing materials is equally important.
Installation of the structure should be performed by professionals who know all the subtleties of the work associated with the construction of houses according to Canadian technology of frame housing construction. Of course, the tools and devices they use during installation must correspond to the nature of the work performed.
The fulfillment of these conditions will provide your structure with a fairly long life without overhaul.