General principles of arrangement of the bases and foundations of structures in the area of permafrost. The device of bases and the choice of the type of foundations in the area of permafrost are carried out on the principle: a) its preservation or b) in the assumption of its disappearance both due to external reasons that independently from the structure and the reasons for the construction itself.
While maintaining eternal permafrost, the latter should also maintain all its main features and properties unchanged, namely the temperature, the level of the upper boundary of the forever perzed layer and the coefficient of resistance to mechanical efforts, for which the power of eternal permafrost, the physical and mechanical composition of the soil in the frozen state, is studied in detail, The resistance of permafrost on sediment at full load, the presence of warm water flows or groundwater, the depth of the upper boundary of the permafrost, its temperature, the depth of summer survey in the sun and in the shadow and winter freezing in an open and protected place.
The power of the eternal permafrost layer is examined only to a depth that ensures the inviolability of the base of the structure in connection with the type and load from the last.
When designing foundations with the calculation of the disappearance of permafrost (for warm buildings, especially hot workshops, chimneys, domain furnaces and also in the presence of moving groundwater flows), the physical and mechanical properties of frozen soil are studied in talo state; Testing test is also made on melt soil. In this case, the design of foundations is carried out according to normal technical conditions for ordinary soils. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the period of disappearance of eternal permafrost and all which can occur during this period of the deformation of buildings with the precipitation that can be obtained at the same time.
The structures built in the areas of permafrost, according to the number of heat distinguished by them, are divided into the following types:
1. Cold, unheated, having greater thermal conductivity of structures compared to surrounding soil, such as cold warehouses or services for residential premises, artificial road structures, etc. p.
2. Warm, namely residential buildings and industrial buildings, with a different amount of heat in different parts of the structure.
3. Hot, giving heat in significant quantities continuously for a long period, namely hot workshops of factories, workshops, domain stoves, chimneys and Borov, etc.