The foundations of small laying, in turn, are divided into two groups: 1) shoes and ribbons, 2) continuous plates. Shoes are arranged separately for each column, ribbons – for each wall. Continuous plates perceive a number of loads attached in some places at once. Intermediate types are associated or group foundations, when several foundations are combined into a small plate, and linear or cross -banded foundations when from-. delicious foundations for columns are combined into long non -overturning or cross -ribbons. For your cottage, you may need to connect gas, order a gas connection to the apartment and a private house you can. Like all other parts of the structure, grounds and foundations should meet certain requirements that are determined by the work of the supported structure, since the base, foundation and structure, ultimately, represent one whole and work together under the influence of the exerted loads. The three main requirements are the following.1. When designing foundations, any possible factors that could affect their work should be taken into account in the future.2. The base and the foundation should be stable and have the necessary margin of strength.3. The foundation should not experience sediment or roll that could damage the structure or prevent it from fulfilling its functions. Typically, these requirements are considered in the above order. The first of them is quite vague, since it covers such factors that cannot be determined by the calculation, but must be established as a result of engineering judgment. The second of them is quite definitely and similarly, for example, the requirement presented to the beams in the structure that should not break from the bend under the load of the load.
What are the requirements for the foundation