The cases of a deeply losing foundation in Berlin are not highlighted for passing three single -track tunnels.
Due to the complexity of the location of the tunnel paths in this place and with the need for the simultaneous building of the foundation for a ten -story building, it was necessary to abandon the usual subcutting method of the tunnel under the houses.
For the stated reasons, the foundation of the house was built in the form of a continuous reinforced concrete block with round tubular voids to pass three single -track tunnels. The work was carried out in separate sections, since the continuous structure of the foundation prevented existing buildings. Separate arrays were interconnected by 2 grooves. The full weight of the foundation was 90 T. With such a large weight of the foundation with the laying in each tunnel of otor insulation, the possibility of transferring vibration forces to the building from passing trains with a maximum weight of 230 tons is excluded.
The construction of this foundation continued continuously for 18 months.
Before an attack to the work on summing up the foundations, a thorough examination of the structure should be carried out under which the eyeliner is carried out. Sometimes cracks in the structure are found during the work on the reconstruction or eyeliner of foundations. If during the preliminary examination of the structure the detected crack is dirty and filled with dust, then this serves as an indication of its long -standing origin and its appearance cannot be attributed to the work performed.
When examining the building, it is also necessary to establish whether the walls of dangerous lateral protrusion are detected. In case of fear of bulging, it is necessary to lay in the walls of communication or support the wall with struts.
When performing work but reconstruction and half -alections of foundations, such methods should not be applied that cause strong blows and concussions.
The next important point in summing up the foundations is the correct production of jamming work with preliminary pressure of the erected foundation.
The sequence of work on the eyeliner of the foundations should be clearly set by the schedule indicating the sequence of individual stages. Particular attention must be paid to compliance with sufficient breaks between the first and second bursts of work to ensure reliable grasping the work of the first stage.
Based on the numerous works on the disposal of foundations, you can indicate some value indicators compiled from the cost of labor, materials and mechanization without overhead costs:
1) when summing up the foundations by lowering individual pillars, completely under the entire wall of the building to a depth of 10 m with sandy dry soil stratums, the cost of summing up 1 ON. m expressed in the amount of 1100-200 rubles.;
2) when summing up the foundations of the WolfSholts with a diameter of the casing pipes of 300 mm 1 SOG. m made pile costs 60 rubles. With its own weight, the summarized structure of 25 tons. m of the walls and length of a reinforced pile of 17 m with shoes for each pair of piles the cost of such a sum of 1 sig. m of the building is expressed by an amount of 1400 – 1500 rubles.