Fill the screed of the floors is performed to align the floor slab before laying the final facing material. Filling the screed is a traditional method of alignment, now for this purpose they are often used by the floor apart, but they can be poured not on any surface, and their price is quite high. Before pouring the screed, it is necessary to check the integrity of the stove, if possible, remove broken pieces of concrete, and chips and large cracks.
Then it is required to lay metal guides, the guides can serve as a metal profile of the P-shaped shape. The guides should be laid at a distance of 50-70cm from each other, and the upper part should be exhibited one line. You can fix the guides with a cement or gypsum solution, it is preferable to use a gypsum mixture, because it dries faster. The solution of the solution should be carried out at a time. A solution is poured between the guides, which it is desirable to explore and compact, the excess solution is removed by the rule or in a flat bar. After pouring, you need to wait for the complete drying of concrete, which occurs within four weeks.