The joint with the transfer of efforts is completely through steel headlines. It can be made with cast or stamped steel head head.
Along the perimeter, headlines are connected by welds, after which the joint of the column is plastered with a cement mortar.
The most advanced are the joints with the spherical surfaces of the heads. They provide the possibility of a comprehensive pounding of a column and an installation that does not violate the density of the mating of the heads, the uniformity and centrality of the transmission of pressure from the overlying column to the underlying. The use of this design is especially advisable when joining heavily loaded square columns. The perception of bending efforts is achieved by welding of the headlines along the contour. A junction with an headman of 50 mm thick from cast steel structure of gipromesis. With this thickness of the headlines, about 310 kg of steel is consumed by a section of 600×600 mm with a section of 600×600 mm. The joint with a spherical head of the concrete of the brand “500” is recommended by the second – Moscow meeting in construction. It requires only 2 kg of steel.
SNiP SOP developed a joint of columns with a spherical concrete surface in the form of a hinge. At the ends of the reinforcing frame, put bags of welded nets that enhance the ends of the columns. Assembly reinforced concrete frame with a spherical concrete hinge. Rigel’s support on the column with this design is carried out by a wrecking connection transmitting oblique compressing stresses. The key joint is formed by concreting of the seam and triangular deepening at the end of the crossbar and in the column. The upper reinforcement of neighboring crossbars is connected by welding shorty to the plates laid in the crossbars. Pipe pipe is laid in it to let the shorts through the column. The lower reinforcement is connected by welding of the linings to the plates laid in the drawing and in the column.