The arrangement of foundations for hot workshops, domain stoves, chimneys in permafrost conditions are of reading difficulties and requires special caution in choosing a place for structures and designing foundations, especially in cases where it is impossible to ventilate the underground and freezes of the upper soil layers under the floors in the floors Winter time. Therefore, the construction of these buildings on eternal permafrost is allowed only in exceptional cases with the inevitability of other solutions after careful typographic, geological and hydrological surveys, and especially after a detailed study of the groundwater regime and ice in the area of the designed structures.
The basic principle for the construction of the bases and foundations for such buildings is the calculation only on melt soil, as a result of which the need for the most thorough study of the physico-mechanical quality of the soil of the chosen base in the talus under the entire area of future buildings, humidity and moistureness at different points and at different depths and its bearing capacity in talo state.
Given the negative qualities of melted frozen soils and weaker resistance to their load, it is necessary to design the foundations in a respectively, giving them in accordance with the strength of the soil to the sole, and in exceptional cases, applying more complex techniques for the soil of soil or in deep laying the base (discontinuating wells and caissons), and by the design of the foundations themselves.
A completely reliable basis for hot workshops and other similar buildings in the areas of permafrost is a rock (subject to a climb that ensures stability of strata), which gives the greatest guarantees regarding the strength and efficiency of building buildings with a high temperature.
In the absence of a cliff, the best solution when choosing the basis for building hot workshops is the hills in a given area, unless they are ice hillocks, and especially water -precipitors with fairly steep transverse slopes for the removal of surface and groundwater. If, under local topographic conditions, you can fear the proda of water from the above areas of the area, you need to resort to the device of protective frozen belts located on the top of the workshop and under thorough observation in order to maintain them in proper. Murdered belts are called deep sulfur ditches, deeply freezing in winter and forming an ice jumper against the output of groundwater and the formation of ice, as well as serving natural drainage for the removal of groundwater from buildings to the side.
In addition to the requirements for the removal of surface waters from the building area, it is necessary to protect the entire territory with its continuous ring of drainage devices with the removal of meltwater from warm buildings, especially referring to the formation by thawing underground cups filled with water, to which other local groundwater from neighboring can flow from the neighboring site.