Of course, insulation of the walls of the bath from the inside should precede insulation from the outside. At the same time, it is important to start the process of insulation from the very base of the walls, that is, from the foundation, and then move up to the ceiling. Actually, wall insulation should be carried out after the floor insulation.
The most important difficulty in this is the choice of materials. For insulation, it is recommended to use exclusively high -quality materials that can withstand strong temperature differences. In this case, the material must cope with its main task – to reduce heat loss through the walls as much as possible.
A big advantage will be the presence of water -resistant material in the material. The amount of moisture on the surface of the walls and inside them should be reduced. Thanks to this, the life of the walls and, as a result, the bath in general.
Quite a sufficiently common heat -insulating material is fiberglass mats with a thickness of 50 mm, having a coating of aluminum foil. The advantage of this option is that it does not require additional vapor barrier.
Vertical racks should be attached to the inside of the wall. The frame formed with their help should be filled with fiberglass mats. You can use wooden bars 50 × 50 mm as racks. The most effective will be their installation with a step of 600 mm. The width of one mat, as a rule, is 1200 mm. Accordingly, it must be cut into two equal parts and, setting between the racks, attached to the wall using a stapler. The insulation should fit the most tightly to the wall, otherwise cold air will fall into the space formed between them. This, in turn, is fraught with moisture condensation and its accumulation. As a result – rotting of insulation and walls.