It is difficult to imagine a world without glass? Glass entered all types of human activity. It is strange why about such a widespread material, with more than 5 thousand. history, consumers know very little. The glass was opened by accident. Once upon a time, on the banks of the River, Phoenician merchants overlaid the fire instead of stones with pieces of soda brought from Africa, in the morning they saw solid transparent ingots resembling a huge crystal. The manufacture of glass has not changed since then. This is a rafting of the Potash and sand, which lowers the melting temperature of the quartz.
Its riddle in the structure. Many scientists, such as Lomonosov, Laue, and at. Bragg and others. Italian Wittorio Livi, our contemporary, was also among them. In 1973, he founded the Fiam factory, which today creates real masterpieces made of glass. He has been engaged in glass for forty years. Samples of his glasses have unique properties. Livi makes glass more transparent and gives it new qualities. For a long time, dishes and jewelry were made from glass. But to make flat sheets made of glass became recently. Then they learned to bend glass, transparent glass furniture appeared.
The inspirer of these ideas became Wittorio Livi. He “infected” with his enthusiasm of famous designers, such as Philip Stark, Viko Majistretti, Ron Arad and others. You can’t imagine a beautiful interior without glass. Glass simultaneously passes the light and reflects it. If you apply Amalgam, then the glass turns into a mirror. The curve of the surface distorts the reflection. In 1987, Vittorio Libya, along with designers, Chini Boreuri and Tom Katayanagi made the Ghost glass chair. It has no analogues. For this, special technologies were developed. Everything is simple: the glass sheet is placed on the shape of the future chair, then heated in the stove until the sheet starts melts, and under his own strength it bends, enveloping the matrix. Used. Safe, anti -guided glass was used to make a chair. There are many different subtleties in technology. Such glass can withstand the fall of a metal nucleus. FIAM factory, led by Vittorio Livi, does not cease to surprise everyone with the fact that it releases.