Today, wooden houses are in high demand and popularity. And in fact, this is not surprising, because the tree at all times was famous for its unique characteristics, which cannot be appreciated by which. If you decide to build a wooden house, then you should be known about some features and nuances that skate construction. Because this is the only way to do everything right and efficiently. For example, you need to understand that in such houses it is impossible to fix windows and doors directly to the ends of the opening. This is an important rule, which, unfortunately, often many people forget, and is explained by the fact that houses built of wood, over time, begin to shrink, as a result of this, window and doorways begin to deform themselves. So, as soon as you decide to install windows and doors, it is necessary to carefully prepare the openings. To do this, it is customary to make a special protective burden of windows and doors. In general, a burden is a wooden box that serves so that it can be thoroughly, protecting window structures. It can be safely stated that the stream can be installed in any wooden buildings. This can be included not only at home, but also by baths, various outbuildings. If you ignore this rule, then you should know that over time the windows will begin to function poorly, which of course is not a very pleasant moment, so try to pay particular close attention to this process. In this case, there are some features that must be observed without fail. For example, you should know that the width of the elements from which the winding of the windows will be made should not exceed 26 cm. This is an important point, and if you take a large width, then cracks on the structures may appear. It is necessary to make a burden in thoroughly, especially if this is done for plastic and metal windows. This moment is customary to pay increased attention so that there are no problems in the future. As for the boxes for windows, it must be made of wood, with 10-12 percent humidity. In the event that less humidity is taken, then in such a box, internal cracks will arise very soon, which of course is an unpleasant moment. Consider all these features without fail.
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