Slag blocks are a very profitable building material due to the fact that it is very durable and inexpensive. Vibropress for a cinder block helps to carry out competitive material for the construction of cottages, which can be compared by strength with bricks. Of course, for this, the manufacturer must comply with all production processes, and in order not to purchase poor -quality material, purchase sand blocks and slag blocks only from a trusted seller, which has been working in this market for several years.
The nuances of construction
Even if the manufacture of wall slag blocks took place according to all the rules, this does not mean that there will be no problem during construction. After all, despite the fact that such a building material is very durable, he is very afraid of humidity and water. And even a short period of getting wet can destroy part of the building materials. Building a cottage from slag blocks, take care of the construction of a high and very strong foundation. This is necessary, because the main thing in construction is the lack of cracks. If the foundation has at least a small crack, this will seriously damage any wall. And its height must necessarily be not lower than 70 cm above the official level of the soil, as this will prevent the wet of building materials.
The foundation should completely harden, and this happens no earlier than one month after its laying, but the base can be freely laid in one week. A house built of gas blocks or bricks can also have a base of two or three rows, but a building of sand blocks or slag blocks should have at least four or six rows. In addition, the bottom of the basement should be securely isolated from the foundation. So after installing the basement, you need to put a fairly thick layer of waterproofing. But do the wall laying itself only a month after the foundation was filled. For all the complexity of construction, the roof of such a building can be any, since it does not affect the stability of the structure.