From the moment how high -quality the entire roof of the erected structure will be performed, the presence of heat and comfort in the whole house will completely depend on your house. You yourself, solely depending on what conditions of climate in your area of residence should be determined in some kind of whether you need to insulate the roof or not. And yet, if you decide that you need to perform a more thorough roof insulation, then it is worth contacting professionals who will fulfill all your wishes, and in this case you will be completely satisfied with the final result. Foam is a fairly common material, which is used in order to perform roof insulation at home, attic. Roof insulation with such material as foam – a very simple event to pain. If the roof of your erected structure is two -way, then the sheets of foam should only be placed between the supports and between the roof. Sheets of foam in thickness should be chosen exactly the same as rafters, because it will only add qualities. You should always remember that the foam has an additional waterproofing property, a soundproofing property. It is extremely important to clearly perform the entire special waterproofing technology, and the materials to choose the highest quality.
When warming along with polystyrene, they often use such material as mineral wool. Insulation is most often done inside, although there are cases that insulation is exclusively outside the structure. Technologically, mineral wool has such a sequence – foam, then there is a special protection against wind, materials for performing high -quality vapor barrier, crate, counterpart, special ventilation system, then there is a special lining and a drainage system. If your type of roof is soft, then in this case it is best to use several layers of such mineral wool at once, which should be located with rafters in a row. To make a crate, chipped slabs are most often used, which is processed with special impregnations to significantly increase waterproofing. Correctly performed ventilation needs to be paid special attention, because if it will be poorly made, then you are threatened with the fact that there will be an accumulation of fungal parasites and mold.