A huge selection of types of wallpaper in the modern construction market involuntarily forces to study in them to understand. We will discuss the main types of wallpaper and their differences from each other. Varieties of wallpaper. There were always paper wallpapers, and to this day remain the most popular type of wallpaper.
They are not too expensive, working with them does not require a lot of effort and free time. They are quite environmentally friendly, have good steam and sound insulation. A significant minus is a short period of operation, which is 3-5 years. It is not advisable to use them in rooms in which increased humidity is observed, in them they will quickly become unusable and can even peel off. They are not afraid of moisture moisture – and waterproof wallpaper, as well as washing. Waterproof wallpaper is allowed to be processed with a damp cloth or sponge, without using special cleaners. Washing wallpaper allow the use of such means, but with particular caution. Moisture -resistant wallpaper perfectly withstand both water and washing with chemicals.
Wood -based sizes
One of the most modern and environmentally friendly are wood -based wallpapers. Sell them with sheets 50*70 cm, or in the form of a canvas. Their price is not too high, and the work on their pasting is not complicated at all. The same type includes the wallpaper of cork made of cork oak bark. Vinyl wallpapers are made of several layers. Polyvinyl is applied to a paper layer, after which a pattern is created with embossing or using paint. Silk -graphic wallpaper from vinyl have in the upper layer of silk threads, creating a special relief of these wallpapers, which well masks the irregularities of the walls. The advantages of vinyl wallpaper are their strength, water resistance, elasticity. Among other things, such wallpapers are not exposed to burnout. Disadvantage of vinyl wallpapers – the complexity of pasting.
In addition to the traditional species described above, absolutely unique wallpapers are currently being created. For example, metal, glass-wallpaper, carpet and “liquid”.
In addition to the variety, all wallpaper can differ from each other in their texture. Thus, there are:
Multilayer wallpaper with a complex pattern.
Smooth wallpaper.
Embossed wallpaper.
As a conclusion, it is worth noting that the variety of wallpaper on the market leaves the right to choose for the buyer, which is very important today. The main thing is to consider the characteristics and learn about the specifics of the use of a particular type of wallpaper.