Ondulin (it is also called European slate) is a roofing material that is widely used for facing and roof roofs.
Ondulin sheets are obtained from cellulose, which is pre -processed in production with bitumen, which contains natural dye. At the output, high -quality sheets with the presence of persistent color and high operational characteristics are obtained.
Ondulin is vast in a wide variety of fields. Its excellent technical characteristics are an order of magnitude higher than that of such materials as: corrugated board, metal tile, ordinary slate.
The modern market offers a lot of ondulin variations, both in color and form. This material is safe and environmental, despite its artificial production. He can withstand large temperatures from minus 100 degrees to plus 115 degrees Celsius, but not very sharp. Sudden temperature drops can lead to slight changes in the structure itself. Ondulin in very strong heat becomes the most softer, and with frost – fragile. It is elastic, which gives a unique possibility of using ondulin on uneven surfaces. The installation of Ondulin is very simple. However, the most interesting thing is that it can be mounted on the old coating without any problems, without burdening itself with the need for dismantling. Old material at the same time can perform heat – and waterproofing functions.
The cost of ondulin is also very acceptable. The main advantages of Ondulin include: 1. Simplicity of laying and further operation.2. Incredible stability in various external stimuli.3. Long life 4. Ease of care and environmental cleanliness.5. Acceptable and low price.
Ondulin is widely used in the lining of roofs and facing facilities: educational, production, residential, medical. It is also widely used to create awnings, outbuildings, all kinds of visors. With properly carried out preparatory work, Ondulin can be used even in those areas where there is a cold climate.
The vast use of use is due to incredible ease of material (approximately 3 kg per 1kV. m), incredible ease of installation (you can safely lay on top of the existing old coating), ease of transportation and significant positive technical characteristics.