You acquired linoleum, already covered the room with it, but suddenly, after a certain period of time, you noticed that the drawing begins to change. Such cases are not uncommon, since in the process of rubbing the upper layer, the drawing also begins to disappear. The biggest problem is that this happens unevenly.
Manufacturers have thought over this problem for many years of the formation of linoleum. And some of them came the idea to create a special type of linoleum, in which the drawing will not disappear over time. They called him homogeneous.
A similar option for the flooring for many years will simply be erased, but the drawing applied to it will remain not touched. Say that these are miracles, no. Just manufacturers decided to create a drawing not only on the upper layer of linoleum, but also throughout its thickness.
In addition to the longevity of the pattern, the homogeneous linoleum also has a higher strength and wear resistance, which allows all the flooring to please you, your family or colleagues and customers if it has been laid in the office. Not every floor covering boasts that it can withstand modern office furniture (for example, folding chair). So the homogeneous linoleum is quite suitable for this.