Everyone knows that an extraneous increased sound background, very adversely affects the mental state of a person. They are provocateurs of internal irritation, nervous overexcitation, discomfort and a number of diseases arising from the psycho -emotional state of a person. Therefore, you need to think about good sound insulation of the walls. There are many materials allowing to ensure sound insulation.
1) the easiest way to isolate the sound is to sheathe with drywall.
First you need to fix the frame, then fill it with the material, which actually isolates the sound. More dense materials are best suited to destroy sound. Materials made of fiber having a porous surface. Because material with such characteristics is able to extinguish the sound wave. For example, this technology is used in cinemas and from this sound is well -heard inside the hall, and is not heard in the corridor at all. If we need a greater effect, then you need to create an air layer between layers of material. Materials such as lutrasil and fiberglass perfectly extinguish sound waves.