In ancient times, the bathhouse in ancient times approached the choice of the place and planning, taking into account the presence of a natural reservoir due to the close location of water for washing and for extinguishing possible fires. Today, compliance with such conditions is not necessary, the adoption of the final decision is made by the owner of the site.
Requirements for sites
The main requirements in the choice of sites include the following:
the presence of sufficient remoteness from the carriageway;
closed not viewed fence;
The presence of a distance from the main residential building should be 15 m
The fundamental premises of the Russian bath include the presence of paired, washing, rest rooms or a dressing room. It is possible to combine pair and washing.
The estimated size of the dressing room can be – one and a half square meters per person. In the dressing room there may be furniture for relaxation. There are also places for stoves, sunbeds and containers with water.
As an example of the size of the premises of a small bath for four people, one can cite:
the presence of an external external size 4x4m;
washing room – 2x2m;
paired – 1.5x2m;
Such a bathhouse will take up little space in the designated area.
The determining size and premises of the bath depend on the size of the sections of the allotted for it. If you have enough space, you can outline the presence of a toilet, shower, relaxation rooms.
The input of the bath is usually located in the south, southwest. This arrangement can simplify the use of baths in the winter period. Snow melting on the surface will occur faster from the south side, and the correct choice of the direction of the window opening will allow the use of longer lighting using natural light.
Stages of construction
The main stages of construction include:
Preparation of sites and delivery of materials for construction.
The foundation of the bath.
The process of equipment systems and the process of forming the floor of the bath.
Laying a log house.
The process of erecting a roof of a bathhouse.
The process of installing or laying the furnace, masonry of the chimney.
Equipment by water supply and electrical equipment of the bath.