As you know, the device of the roadway is not only asphalt. The road itself is a complex design. And the future quality and wear resistance of the roadway depends on how correctly the intended load is calculated.
The entire design of the road looks, in fact, like a pie, each layer of which performs its own functions. The upper layer provides a constant friction coefficient, thanks to it, good braking in the heat and cold is provided, reduces radial sliding in the bends. The upper layer, the so -called layer of wear, is a renewable coating that is updated on average once a year. The guaranteed service life of the entire roadway is about ten years, but the top layer must be constantly updated. The following lower layers already distribute the load among themselves, representing the waterproofing system.
Depending on the specifics of the use of the road (country or highway), and operating conditions, projects and estimates for the device of this very road vary. If in some conditions you can save, then during the construction of the highway this cannot be done by a catecorically, since the constant large load and high speed of vehicles leads to increased accident rate, and additional irregularities of the road only worsen. For the construction of the road, either adjacent or alienated soil is used, with the help of which changes in the natural relief are aligned, which ensures the normal cross -country line in any weather conditions.
The main part of the road is a “pillow”. This is far from a homogeneous mass of crushed stone and mineral supplement. The constructive layer, which is at the very bottom, performs the functions of protection and provides frost resistance not only to the canvas itself, but to all structures. Depending on the geographical location, the main layer is made either from the rock, or from slag and cement products. It all depends on what is cheaper in this region. Gravel, crushed stone and soil, which are the basis, are impregnated with astringent compositions. Each layer has its own fraction, wedging and complementing, thereby protecting the previous.
One kilometer of the road usually takes several tons of non -metallic building materials, which in general justifies the too high cost of the roadway.