When pouring, it turns out like a whole structure, as they consist of reinforced concrete. For high -quality filling walls and foundation, wall formwork is used, which is made by welding, from special iron profiles, a frame that can carry a large load. As a rule, concrete pressure (up to fifty filling) and aggressive alkaline media. Vertical formwork is several types and sizes. By the way, satellite antennas of their prices are huge now. There is an opportunity, and to collect towns from the shield formwork, which can gradually rearrange above the floor, pour concrete. The formwork of floors, unlike a vertical design, is much easier. She is assembled from several elements and does not require the help of a lifting crane. With the help of horizontal formwork, you can fill in the walls of the house, regardless of the material from which they are built (brick, slag block). Used in most of modern construction sites. It is not only distinguished by high quality, but also connects the design together, having a beneficial effect on it.
What formwork to choose for ceilings: what to take into account
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